My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves is a Bollywood drama film starring newcomer Nikhil Dwivedi, Amrita Rao and Mithun Chakraborty as the lead protagonists. The film is directed by E. Nivas. The name of the movie is derived from the 1977 hit movie Amar Akbar Anthony's famous song, "My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves." It was released on 11 January 2008 and was a box office bomb.Synopsis
My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves starts with a gangster and killer, Sikander (Pawan Malhotra), murdering someone with his gang; they bury him and flee. Then the story line drops to a young man, Anthony Gonsalves (introducing Nikhil Dwivedi), who accepts Sikander for his father, guru, everything, since Sikander adopted Anthony when he was a young child living on the streets. He didn't exactly adopt him, since he says that his real father is the town priest (Mithun Chakraborty).