Nanbanin Kadhali is a 2007 Tamil film directed by G. Kicha, starring Vikramaditya, Kunal, Shivani Singh and Vinu Chakravarthy in the lead roles. The film had been shot and completed in 2005 under the title Cleopatra, but only released in 2007. The film is inspired from Telugu film Nee Premakai. This is Kunal's last Tamil film release before his death in 2008.Synopsis
Jeeva (Vikramaditya Shukla) who takes up residence in Sujata (Shivani Singh)'s neighbourhood, falls for her ample charms. Jeeva's attempts to woo Sujata misfires, landing him on the wrong side of her father (Vinu Chakravarthy), a retired military man. Enters into the scene Surya (Kunal Singh). Surya's smooth talking ways and pleasing manners charm Sujata and her family. In the game of one-upmanship and misunderstandings, who finally gets the girl forms the finale.