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One Law for Both est un film américain réalisé par Ivan Abramson avec James W. Morrison

One Law for Both (1917)

One Law for Both
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Durée 1h20
Réalisé par

One Law for Both is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Ivan Abramson.


Elga Pulsaki (Rita Jolivet) and her brother Ossip (James W. Morrison) emigrate to the United States from Russia to escape persecution. Elga marries Norman Hutchinson (Vincent Serrano), but their marital bliss is torn asunder when Norman learns that Elga had had sex with a government official in Russia who had threatened her brother. Norman throws Elga out of the house, but Norman's sister reminds him that he did not suggest the same course of action for her when she realized her husband (Count de Fernac, played by Pedro de Cordoba) had previously fathered a child out of wedlock. Struck by cognitive dissonance—the unequal treatment of the sexes—Norman apologizes to Elga and they are reunited.


James W. Morrison

(Ossip Pulaski)
Leah Baird

Vincent Serrano

(Norman Hutchinson)
Paul Capellani

(Baron Jan Slezak)
Helen Arnold

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