Outside Bet, also known as Weighed In: The Story of the Mumper, is a British comedy film directed by Sacha Bennett and starring Bob Hoskins, Jenny Agutter, Philip Davis and Adam Deacon. The film was released on April 27, 2012.Synopsis
It is 1985. Thatcher is in power, Sade is on the radio, and the print workers have gone on strike. But nothing, not even a scale eight earthquake can put a dampener on a group of close friends that meet every Sunday in their regular South London pub for a pint and free flowing banter of the highest order. Set against the backdrop of a changing way of life-as Rupert Murdoch moves the printing of his newspapers from Fleet Street to Wapping-this is a tale of seven firm friends, who embark on a unique journey that eventually leads them to gamble all of their savings and redundancy money on a single race.