President's Day is a 2010 comedy horror film directed by Chris LaMartina. The film follows a group of high school students being hunted by a madman in an Abraham Lincoln disguise. The film had a limited release on President's Day in 2010 and was released to DVD on April 9 of the same year.
^ Kaltenbach, Chris. "The horror of it all". Baltimore Sun. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
^ Woods, Kevin. "Celebrate Prez's Day with this trailer/poster for President's Day". JoBlo. Retrieved 15 August 2014.Synopsis
Campaign season arrives at Lincoln High, causing the students to begin buzzing about who will be elected as class president. However, a psychopath dressed as Abraham Lincoln begins to terrorize the school, using a misshapen mask and an axe. The candidates then have to forget about the election and then join together to survive the killer's attacks.