Prison of Secrets is a 1997 American television film directed by Fred Gerber. The film is based on a true story and focuses on a female prison inmate who fights for women's rights while still in jail.Synopsis
Lynn Schaffer is a loving mother and wife, who gets arrested for a crime she did not realize she had committed. She does not take the arrest seriously at first. Viewing herself as innocent, she goes against the advice of her lawyer to take a plea-bargain. Instead she opts for a trial. Coming as a complete surprise to her, she is convicted, receives the maximum sentence of 10 years and is and sent to a women's prison, leaving behind her husband Larry and daughter Carey. In prison, she has difficulty adjusting to not having any privacy and having to deal with drug addicts and prostitutes but soon finds out that the prison is corrupt, with Sergeant Ed Crang and other prison guards often sexually abusing inmates.