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Raffles est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par King Baggot avec House Peters, Sr.

Raffles (1925)

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Durée 1h
Réalisé par ,    
Genres Drame,    Aventure,    Policier,    Romance
Note50% 2.5047452.5047452.5047452.5047452.504745

For other versions, see Raffles the Amateur Cracksman (1917), Raffles (1930 film) and Raffles (1939 film).

Raffles (1925) is a feature length silent adventure crime drama/romance motion picture starring House Peters, Miss DuPont, Hedda Hopper, Fred Esmelton and Walter Long.

Directed by King Baggot and produced by Carl Laemmle's Universal Pictures, the screenplay was adapted by Harvey F. Thew from the play by Eugene W. Presbrey and the 1899 novel, The Amateur Cracksman, by E.W. Hornung.


Raffles (played by House Peters) is an English gentleman with a secret life—he is the notorious jewel thief known as "The Amateur Cracksman." While sailing from India to England accompanied by his friend, Bunny Manners (played by Freeman Wood), it is rumored that the infamous cracksman is aboard ship. Raffles warns a lady passenger to keep an eye on her necklace, which is stolen soon afterward. Although a search reveals no evidence, the necklace is returned upon reaching London.


House Peters, Sr.

(Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman)
Hedda Hopper

(Mrs. Clarice Vidal)
Miss DuPont

(Gwendolyn Amersteth)
Fred Esmelton

(Capt. Bedford)
Walter Long

Bande annonce de Raffles

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Source : Wikidata


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Il y a 168 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 11 films avec le même réalisateur, 77333 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 81 ayant exactement les mêmes 4 genres que Raffles), 4292 films qui ont les mêmes thèmes, pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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