Red Rose is a 1980 Hindi psychological thriller film starring Rajesh Khanna and Poonam Dhillon. It was remake of Tamil Movie Sigappu Rojakkal meaning 'Red Roses' which had Kamal Haasan and Sridevi in the lead made by the same director Bharathi Raja and the same cinematographer P. S. Nivas, and was also remade in Japanese as Red Roses, in Russian as Krasnyye Rozy, and in Telugu as Erra Gulabilu.Synopsis
Anand (Rajesh Khanna) is a successful businessman with a dark side. He preys on nubile girls and rapes and kills them. These proceedings are video-recorded and watched by his adoptive father and mentor, another deranged woman-hater who, as with Anand, had a disillusioning experience with the female sex in his past. The old man stays holed up in a far corner of Aanand's mansion watching his son carry out what he is too infirm to do. The murdered girls are buried in Anand's garden and a rosebush is grown above.