Revolver Rani is a 2014 Indian crime drama film written and directed by Sai Kabir. The film is presented by Wave Cinemas. It features Kangana Ranaut and Vir Das in lead roles and Piyush Mishra, Zakir Hussain and Pankaj Saraswat in supporting roles. The film is a satirical and unusual love story set against the backdrop of politics and released on 25 April 2014.Synopsis
In the hostile territory of Chambal, the land of rebels, politicians, bullets and blood, you either live by the gun or die by the gun. Revolver Rani is set in this hostile world where there are no friends; only fragile alliances and deadly enemies that aim straight for the head. But sometimes you do not need to take lives to finish your enemies. Sometimes you just need to go for their heart. Revolver Rani is a satirical and unusual love story set against the backdrop of politics. It's about Alka Singh (Kangana Ranaut), the leader of a political party and her obsessive love for Rohan Mehra (Vir Das), a rising star of Bollywood.