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Saat Sawal est un film réalisé par Babubhai Mistry avec Sujatha

Saat Sawal (1971)

Saat Sawal
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Saat Sawal is a 1971 Bollywood adventure film directed by Babubhai Mistry. The film stars Johnny Whisky.


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The film is based on the Ramayana in modern environment, how his character in today. Manoj Kumar is portrayed in the film Ram Bhakta Hanuman. Hanuman come to earth and meet a miserable father Dasaratha. Dasrath distressed by her sons and daughter-in-law. How to the Hanuman Solve this problem, this is story theme.
Haatim Tai
Haatim Tai (1990)
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Sant Ravidas Ki Amar Kahani
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A shoemaker of the Chamar caste, all of his devotional songs were preserved included in the Sikh holy book, the Adi Granth, by the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan Dev.[2] There is also a larger body of hymns passed on independently that is claimed and attributed by some to Ravidas ji. Ravidas was subversive in that his devotionalism implied a levelling of the social divisions of caste and gender, yet ecumenical in that it tended to promote crossing of sectarian divides in the name of a higher spiritual unity.[3] He taught that one is distinguished not by one's caste (jāti) but by one's actions (karma) and that every person has the right to worship God and read holy texts.
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Parasmani (1963)

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Paras (played by Mahipal) is the son of the Senapati and is lost when his ship strikes storms at sea. Paras is then found by a poor villager, who brings him up as his own. Paras grows up and becomes an accomplished swordsman and singer. One day he encounters the princess (played by Gitanjali) and falls in love with her. His fame soon reaches the palace, and the Emperor summons him to sing for him. Pleased with his singing, the Emperor asks him for a wish, and Paras asks for the hand of his daughter. Enraged, the Emperor decides to punish Paras, but Paras escapes. Appearing defeated, the Emperor asks Paras to seek a rare gem called a Parasmani, because he is under a curse that states as soon as his daughter marries, it will be the last day for the Emperor. If Paras is can find the 'parasmani' the life of Emperor can be saved. Only then can Paras marry the princess. Parasmani is a hypothetical jewel which is considered to keep the bearer young forever. Paras agrees to this and leaves on the search with his sister and brother.