Satellite Boy is a 2012 Australian film about a young Aboriginal boy struggling to maintain the traditions of his heritage in the modern world when a mining company expands into the region. Written and directed by Catriona McKenzie, the film premiered domestically on 10 December 2012 at the Perth International Arts Festival, two days after being released at the Toronto International Film Festival.Synopsis
Twelve-year-old Pete (Cameron Wallaby) lives at a rundown drive-in theater with his grandfather Jagamarra (David Gulpilil), whom he calls "Jubi". The grandfather continually imparts wisdom of the old ways to Pete, who wishes to open a restaurant on the property. The boy hopes his absent mother, Lynelle (Rohanna Angus) will return to help with the restaurant, although Jubi doubts her return to the desolate area of Kimberley. A local mining company soon arrives, claims the land, and will soon build a storage facility on the property, razing everything on it.