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Sindhoora Thilaka est un film avec Malashri

Sindhoora Thilaka (1991)

Sindhoora Thilaka
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Durée 2h13

Sindhoora Thilaka (Kannada: ಸಿಂಧೂರ ತಿಲಕ) is a 1992 Indian Kannada language film directed by Om Sai Prakash, starring Sunil and Malashri in the lead roles. The supporting cast features Shruti, Jaggesh and Abhijeeth. The music was composed by Upendra Kumar.

The film was a remake of the highly successful Tamil film Kizhakku Vasal directed by R. V. Udayakumar and starring Karthik, Revathy and Kushboo.


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Genres Drame, Comédie
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Note83% 4.176294.176294.176294.176294.17629
Lambodhara is a petty trickster who cheats and lies to make a false living. One day, he turns himself into an hospital to get free lodging and food, but comes across a recent patient named Gauri who has died of heart failure. He decides to take her belongings and make some money of them, but instead finds her diary. He realizes that Gauri has come across 3 men who had significant influence in her life. The first man was her former boss who had proposed indecently to sleep with her. The second man wanted her to pretend that they are married to fool his parents in return for money for her heart treatment. The last man is a friend of the 2nd man, and thought that he had slept with her in a drunken state. The truth is that none of the men had any physical contact with her. Lambodhar devises a plan to extract money from these men and their families. He writes letters to the m stating that Gauri has given birth to their son and named him Ganesh. After a series of funny events, all the three come to meet lambodhar on the same day, and the film ends when Lambodhar blackmails them into submission.
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