Sorority House Massacre is a 1986 American slasher film directed by Carol Frank. The plot follows a potential sorority pledge who experiences deja vu regarding the sorority house she's visiting, followed by a murderer who begins killing the sorority residents over Memorial Day weekend. The film is in the same realm as the Slumber Party Massacre series, and was marketed as part of the "Massacre Collection". It is often criticized for being "too similar" to Halloween.Synopsis
Beth rejoint l’université, et une maison d’étudiantes. Immédiatement, l’endroit lui semble familier, et elle est alors victime d’affreux cauchemars. Ce qu’elle ignore, c’est que son frère, interné dans un hôpital psychiatrique après avoir massacré sa famille, sent sa présence et va venir pour finir le travail.