Stonewall Uprising is a 2010 American documentary film examining the events surrounding the Stonewall riots that began during the early hours of June 28, 1969. Stonewall Uprising made its theatrical debut on June 16, 2010, at the Film Forum in New York City. The movie features interviews with eyewitnesses to the incident, including the New York Police Department deputy inspector Seymour Pine.
The film was produced and directed by the documentary makers Kate Davis and David Heilbroner, and is based on the book by the historian David Carter, Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution. The title theme is by Gary Lionelli.Synopsis
Stonewall Uprising est un film documentaire américain de 2010 examinant les événements entourant les émeutes de Stonewall qui ont commencé aux premières heures du 28 juin 1969. Stonewall Uprising a fait ses débuts en salles le 16 juin 2010 au Film Forum de New York. entretiens avec des témoins oculaires de l'incident, dont l'inspecteur adjoint du NYPD, Seymour Pine.