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Tara Sasankam (1969)

Tara Sasankam
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Tara Sasankam (Telugu: తారాశశాంకం) is a play written by Kopparapu Subba Rao. It has received about 1,500 times under his own direction.

It was published in 1945 by Modern Publishers, Tenali. Subsequently three editions were brought out. There was a lawsuit filed by the publishers on K. Satyanarayana of Ramakrishna pictures, the producers of the 1969 film.


The story is based on the love affair between Tara (wife of Brihaspati) and Sasank (Chandra). Tara, the wife of pious teacher Brihaspati successfully seduces his student Sasank. They had a child by their illicit union. This results in dispute between the teacher and his student about the fatherhood of the boy. It goes to the court of the Gods; who express their inability to solve the issue. Tara herself had to decide that the child was born to the student.


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