The Black Moses is a 2014 documentary film directed by Travolta Cooper. The film had its world premiere on 8 December 2013 at the Bahamas International Film Festival, where it served as the festival's closing film. It went on to show at several other film festivals and received a distribution deal at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival. The Black Moses received a theatrical release in the United States and the Bahamas on 10 October 2014.
The film stars Dennis Haysbert and documents the life and times of Lynden Pindling, the first black Prime Minister of The Bahamas.Synopsis
The film documents the life and times of Lynden Pindling and explores the idea of Pindling as a black national liberator and the rumors that he was involved in the drug trade. The Black Moses utilizes the ancient Moses legend and mythology as a model to tell the story and also features commentary from people such as Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, Thabo Mbeki, and Pras Michel.