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The Matrix Revisited est un film de genre Documentaire avec Lana et Lilly Wachowski

The Matrix Revisited (2001)

The Matrix Revisited
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The Matrix Revisited is a feature-length documentary on the production of the movie The Matrix.

The film goes behind the scenes of the 1999 sci-fi movie to give explanations of complicated scenes, previews of the then-forthcoming sequels, and interviews with the cast and crew, including the reclusive Wachowski siblings, who rarely give interviews.

It was first released as the first and only documentary in the series, but was later included as part of a two-disc Collector's Edition of The Matrix. It now forms part of The Ultimate Matrix Collection.


Un nouveau regard sur Matrix : de la conception au phénomêne.


Bande annonce de The Matrix Revisited

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata

La franchise Matrix


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