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The Midnight Man (1919) est un film américain réalisé par James W. Horne avec Joseph W. Girard

The Midnight Man (1919) (1919)

The Midnight Man

The Midnight Man (1919)
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The Midnight Man est un film américain réalisé par James W. Horne en 1919. Il est aujourd'hui considéré comme un film perdu.


Joseph W. Girard

Frank Jonasson

(John Gilmore)
Joseph Singleton

(détective Arnold)
Noble Johnson

Ann Forrest
Bande annonce de The Midnight Man (1919)

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Suggestions de films similaires à The Midnight Man (1919)

Il y a 49 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 48 films avec le même réalisateur, pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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The Yankee Consul, 1h
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Origine Etats-Unis
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Through a series of confusions, Dudley Ainsworth (Douglas MacLean) is required to travel on a passener ship to Brazil, posing as tha American consul to a South American country. O the ship, he meets Margarita Carrosa (Patsy Ruth Miller) and becomes embroiled in a conspiracy involving Margarita and thieves planning to steal gold from the American consulate in Rio de Janeiro. Upon arrival in Brazil, Margarita is taken hostage by the thieves, and Ainsworth sends word to the U. S. Navy before rushing to an estate where Margarita is being held captive. Ainsworth captures the thieves and rescues the girl. The navy Admiral (Eric Mayne) arrives with the real Yankee consul to reveal that the entire set of events was a prank played on Ainsworth by his friends.
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