The Mighty Gorga is an American science fiction film. Released in 1969 by an independent company, the film is the brainchild of David L. Hewitt. The storyline concerns a couple hunting for a giant gorilla (The Mighty Gorga) in Africa for financial gain. Filmed on a minuscule budget, it has become notorious for its poor special effects.Synopsis
Circus owner Mark Remington is concerned that he is about to go bankrupt. On hearing of an overgrown gorilla (the Gorga) in Africa, he travels there with the aim of capturing it to be used as an attraction in his Circus. On arrival, the hunter who originally reported the gorilla is nowhere to be found, but his daughter, April says that he has been kidnapped. Together they set off in order to find both the Gorga and her father. Meanwhile, Morgan, a rival hunter is also on their trail.