The Mint is a 2015 comedy film directed by Raymond Mamrak and starring JWoww, Kristinia DeBarge, Chris Cardillo and Ashlee Keating. The film is based on a story by Chris Cardillo and adapted into a screenplay by director Raymond Mamrak takeover scriptwriting duties. Cardillo stars opposite MTV's Jersey Shore's reality star Jenni "JWoww" Farley, who also serves as the film's executive producer, a record executive trying to get his company back on track after the death of his parents. The film also features Kristinia DeBarge, Ashlee Keating, Raw Leiba, and Brian Anthony Wilson in supporting roles. Cardillo stars a record producer that has to find a way to save himself and his family's well known record label.
Cardillo began developing the film in January 2014 and while J. Fontaine and the Jersey Mint Records actually exist, the film isn't based on actual events despite Cardillo's involvement. Samuel C. Morrison, Jr. initially adapted the story into a screenplay but due to creative differences, Mamrak replaced Morrison as the screenwriter, in addition to serving as director, producer, and actor.
With JWoww set to make her feature film debut, The Mint began filming in New Jersey.Synopsis
The Mint follows J. Fontaine (Cardillo), a record producer, in his downward spiral after his parents die and is left to run the family's once successful record label. Things become increasingly stressful and unbearable which causes Fontaine to push everyone away, especially his close friends and girlfriend, Vicki (JWoww). After relocating the recording company to New York City to be closer to where the action is. The little bit of money the label brings in is going fast and to make matters worse, Fontaine is losing all of his artists and friends in the process.