The Night We Dropped a Clanger is a 1959 British comedy thriller film directed by Darcy Conyers and starring Brian Rix, Cecil Parker, William Hartnell and Leslie Phillips. A British secret agent takes part in a secret operation in occupied France during the Second World War. It was released as Make Mine a Double in the United States.Synopsis
During the Second World War, the British government hands out a top-secret mission to two look-alikes, an airman and a secret agent (both played by Rix). The airman is instructed to impersonate the agent to confuse the Germans, while the real agent must enter occupied France to spy on the new buzz bombs. Unfortunately, their orders get mixed up and the airman ends up in France. When he is accidentally fired back to England inside one of the defused bombs, the airman becomes a national hero. Meanwhile the real agent tries in vain to prove his true identity.