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The Outer Space Connection est un film américain de genre Documentaire avec Rod Serling

The Outer Space Connection (1975)

The Outer Space Connection
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Note61% 3.091673.091673.091673.091673.09167

The Outer Space Connection is a 1975 documentary film produced by Alan Landsburg, directed by Fred Warshofsky and narrated by Rod Serling. This documentary was the last in a trilogy of ancient astronaut documentaries produced by Landsburg. This film was one of the last projects that Rod Serling worked on prior to his death in 1975.


This documentary explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials explored the Earth in the distant past. These extraterrestrials had a profound effect on the creation of human life and the founding of civilization, after which they left mankind to evolve on its own with a promise they would return at a future date.


Rod Serling

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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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