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The Poppy Girl's Husband est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par William S. Hart avec Juanita Hansen

The Poppy Girl's Husband (1919)

The Poppy Girl's Husband
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Durée 50minutes
Réalisé par ,    
Genres Drame,    Policier

The Poppy Girl's Husband is a 1919 American silent drama film directed by William S. Hart and Lambert Hillyer and written by Jules Boyle and C. Gardner Sullivan. The film stars William S. Hart, Juanita Hansen, Walter Long, Fred Starr, David Kirby and Georgie Stone. The film was released on March 16, 1919, by Paramount Pictures. A copy of the film is held in the Museum of Modern Art film archive.


Juanita Hansen

(Polly Dutton)
William S. Hart

(Hairpin Harry Dutton)
Walter Long

(Boston Blackie)
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