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The Queen's Sister est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par Simon Cellan Jones avec Lucy Cohu

The Queen's Sister (2005)

The Queen's Sister
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Durée 1h36
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Biographie,    Comédie,    Historique
Themes Politique,    Royauté
Note62% 3.143623.143623.143623.143623.14362

The Queen's Sister is a 2005 British television movie directed by Simon Cellan Jones. The teleplay by Craig Warner is a semi-fictionalized account of the life of Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II, from 1952 until the mid-1970s. It was produced by Touchpaper Television, part of the RDF Media Group, and was broadcast by Channel 4. It has been released on DVD by BBC Video.


The drama opens with the disclaimer "Some of the following is based on fact. And some isn't". When Archbishop Fisher of the Church of England refuses her request to allow her and divorced war hero Peter Townsend, an equerry to her sister, to wed in a religious ceremony, and her brother-in-law and confidant Prince Philip advises her she will lose all her material possessions if they engage in a civil union, Margaret ends the relationship and plunges into a hedonistic lifestyle that frequently draws headlines in the press. She finds herself partnered with Tony Armstrong-Jones at a party that dissolves into an evening of sexual shenanigans, and she and the impoverished photographer begin to meet frequently for clandestine encounters in his dingy flat. When their relationship is made public, the two wed in an elaborate ceremony that is admired by those who embrace the monarchy and criticized by politicians who are shocked at the amount of money spent on the occasion while their constituents are struggling to get by on meager wages.


Lucy Cohu

(Princess Margaret)
Toby Stephens

(Tony Armstrong Jones - Lord Snowdon)
David Threlfall

(Prince Philip)
Aden Gillett

(Peter Townsend)
Dominic Mafham

(Robin Douglas-Home)
Bande annonce de The Queen's Sister

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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