Thumbelina is a 49-minute animated film originally released on June 8, 1992, based on the classic story Thumbelina by Hans Christian Andersen. Like all other Golden Films productions, the film featured a single theme song, "Little Teeny Thumbelina," written and composed by Richard Hurwitz and John Arrias, as well as the classic song "Edelweiss."
A girl no bigger than a thumb is sent on a mission to the Meadow of the Tulips where she must inform the prince about the breaking of the dam, a threat that could endanger the life of all the Little People in the meadow. On her journey, Thumbelina is brought by an old medicine woman to the home of a lonely childless woman, who, seeing the size of the little girl, names her "Thumbelina."
Thumbelina was produced by Golden Films and the American Film Investment Corporation, and was distributed to DVD in 2002 by GoodTimes Entertainment as part of their "Collectible Classics" line.Synopsis
For over fifty years, the tiny keeper of the dam had watched over it and recently had begun to worry about its state. He shows his daughter the different cracks that have formed over the dam's surface, and though the girl shows no concern, her father is deeply worried that, come spring, newly melted snow will cause the dam to break and flood the meadow where the little people live in flowers. The keeper sends his daughter to warn the little people's prince.