Little Red Riding Hood is a 48-minute direct-to-video animated film produced by Jetlag Productions. It was distributed by GoodTimes Entertainment and originally released on VHS on July 31, 1995. The film was produced by Mark Taylor and directed by Toshiyuki Hiruma Takashi. Writer George Arthur Bloom adapted the script from Charles Perrault's version of the story of "Little Red Riding Hood". Though it has been released on DVD in many European countries, the film has never been released in that format in the United States. It is the only Jetlag Productions animated film to not have been released on DVD in that country.Synopsis
Quand le petit Chaperon Rouge se met en route pour amener de la nourriture chez sa grand-mère, sa maman lui dit de se méfier des étrangers. Mais dans la forêt elle rencontre tellement d'amis qu'elle en oublie les conseils de sa mère et sympathise avec le méchant loup. Quand elle arrive à la maison de sa grand-mère, le loup l'attend… cependant les nouveaux amis de la forêt réservent des surprises au loup !