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Tian lun est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Fei Mu avec Zheng Junli

Tian lun (1935)

Tian lun
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Durée 1h5
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note62% 3.1358253.1358253.1358253.1358253.135825

Song of China () also known as Filial Piety is a 1935 Chinese film directed by Fei Mu and Luo Mingyou for the Lianhua Film Company.

Unlike earlier Lianhua films that railed against traditional society, Song of China is representative of the New Life Movement of Chiang Kai-Shek, which celebrates traditional Confucian values.

Song of China is one of the few Chinese films made in the 1930s to be screened in the United States.


A young man (Zheng Junli) returns home to see his elderly father before the latter dies. The father tells his son to extend the love he feels for his family to the greater good. The young man tries to teach the same principles to his children, who instead run off to the city to enjoy the city.


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