Umma is a Malayalam film in the banner of Saranam Pictures, Produced by K.K.Suresh Chandran & Directed by Vijayakrishnan. starring Shobha Mohan, Sreehari and Madhu in major roles. The film is inspired from Maxim Gorky's The Mother. It deals with terrorism and uneasiness spreading in the society connected with religion.
Umma is the first film in Malayalam to use the technology of Cinevator, which is a film recorder that operates real time. It premierred at FILCA, a Film Festival held at Thiruvanathapuram, and reached theatres on 26 August 2011. It is an official selection to the South Asian Film Festival.Synopsis
Khader, the husband of Subaida is a factory worker. A hardcore drunkard, he every day cruelly beats up his wife. Mansoor stands a mute witness to this. As he could not go for higher studies due to financial hardship, Mansoor is very much grieved. One day unable to bear the roughing up of his mother by father, he raises protest against Khader. Saying that hence forth the son himself should find ways of family livelihood, Khader walks off home.