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Víctimas del pecado est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Emilio Fernández avec Ninón Sevilla

Víctimas del pecado (1951)

Víctimas del pecado
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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Musical,    Policier
Note73% 3.66873.66873.66873.66873.6687

Víctimas del Pecado (Victims of the Sin) is a 1951 Mexican drama film directed by Emilio Fernández and starring Ninón Sevilla.

Detroit Institute of Arts considers the film as "one of the most famous post-war Mexican films," and shares that it includes "knockout mambo numbers by Pérez Prado and Pedro Vargas". The film was also released as Hell's Kitchen.


Violeta (Ninón Sevilla), a Cuban dancer from the Cabaret Changó, rescues an infant from a garbage can in Mexico City's redlight district. She decides to raise the baby, and her decision places her at odds with Rodolfo (Rodolfo Acosta), the Cabaret Changó club owner. Rival club owner Santiago (Tito Junco), falls in love with Violeta and offers her his help. Tragedy takes place when Rodolfo (Rodolfo Acosta) kills Santiago and after Rodolfo is killed by Violeta in turn.


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Source : Wikidata


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