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Volver a empezar est un film espagnol de genre Drame réalisé par José Luis Garci avec Antonio Ferrandis

Volver a empezar (1982)

Volver a empezar
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Durée 1h27
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note68% 3.4411553.4411553.4411553.4411553.441155

Volver a empezar est un film espagnol réalisé par José Luis Garci, sorti en 1982.


It is the year 1981, the famous writer Antonio Albajara (Antonio Ferrandis) arrives at Gijón, his hometown, from Stockholm, where he has just received the Nobel Prize in Literature. For forty years, Albajara has been a professor of medieval literature at the University of Berkeley, California. He has alternated his teaching with the literary production that has given him worldwide fame. In Gijón, Antonio is reunited with Elena, his first and great love, before he was forced to his exile in 1937 Civil War. However, this visit is not definitive because a serious and deadly disease affects the writer.


Antonio Ferrandis

(Antonio Albajara)
Agustín González

(Gervasio Losada)
Encarna Paso

José Bódalo

Bande annonce de Volver a empezar

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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