Zoop in Africa (Dutch: Zoop in Afrika) is a 2005 Dutch adventure film, directed by Johan Nijenhuis. The film is based on the TV series Zoop and is followed by Zoop in India (2006) and Zoop in South America (2007). The film was recorded on multiple locations in South Africa.
The film premiered on july 10th 2005 at the Tuschinski theatre in Amsterdam. On November 10, 2005 the film was released on dvd. Zoop in Africa was sold to 44 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, Germany, France, Mexico, Poland, Russia and Turkey.Synopsis
Eight youngsters studying for zookeeper in the Netherlands travel to Africa, to work in a wildpark and enhance their knowledge. During the flight to their destination their plane crashes in the middle of the jungle and they are completely dependent on each other. They decide to split up in two groups in the search for help. Aside from the survival challenge, the owners of the wildpark want to get rid of the rangers too. When Bionda gets lost, things go from bad to worse. Then they encounter an African tribe who doesn't have good intentions either...