The film revolves around the role of Naidu (Kaikala Satyanarayana), a Carnatic musician and elder son Narayana Murthy (played by Rajasekhar) who starts getting recognized in the world because of the music learned from Naidu and leaves everyone to fall into the worldly pleasures forgetting his base roots. It is now the duty of Sita, the daughter-in-law of Naidu (wife of Narayana Murthy) to bring these souls on track.
Deux sœurs préadolescentes connaissent leur premier amour avec leur voisin, un pianiste japonais de renommée mondiale. Le film raconte avec pudeur et délicatesse, leurs émois et leur première relation sexuelle avec cet homme. Il a une relation cachée avec l'une d'elles (Colette), qui finit par l'avouer à sa sœur. Une jalousie, de courte durée nait alors entre elles. Cependant, leur relation d'amitié se renoue, lorsque le pianiste sort définitivement de leur vie.
The film starts with a shabby old man living as a recluse near a famous temple. When he ventures out into the village, he is beaten by the shepherds who believes that he is a thief. When they hand him over to the police, the officer in charge identifies him as a once-famous musician, Anantha Rama Sharma (Mammooty), hailed as Sangeeta Samrat (Emperor of music), who has been missing for four years. The inspector RadhaKrishna (Achyuth) informs his aunt (Raadhika Sarathkumar), who teaches music in his native village, of this and the past of Anantha Sharma is narrated through flashback.
Lord Vishnu (Suman) listens to requests from his consort Lakshmi (Bhanupriya) that there weren't many people singing songs in praise of the Lord in Telugu language. In response, the Lord sends Nandaka (His sword) to be born as Annamacharya to a childless couple in Tallapaka village, Kadapa District. Growing as a normal young man, Annamayya (Akkineni Nagarjuna) is in love with his 2 cousins Timakka and Akkalamma (Ramya Krishnan and Kasturi) and thinks that his cousins are the most beautiful creations of god.