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Donna Wilkes est une Actrice Américaine née le 11 novembre 1959 à New York (Etats-Unis)

Donna Wilkes

Donna Wilkes
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Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 11 novembre 1959 (64 ans) à New York (Etats-Unis)

Donna Consuelos Wilkes (born November 11, 1959) is an American film actress known for her roles in several films, most notably the starring role in 1984's Angel.

She has also appeared in several television programs such as Father Murphy and the soap opera Days of Our Lives. She appeared in the first season of the short-lived sitcom Hello, Larry. Twice, she played characters much younger than she was in real life. Her character in Hello Larry was 15 when Wilkes was actually 20 years old in real life and Molly Stuart, her character in the movie Angel, was supposed to be 15 years old as well, even though Wilkes was 25 years old at the time of filming.


Wilkes was born on November 11, 1959 in New York City. She was born in Spanish Harlem to Spanish/French mother and Irish father. Her father was a doctor and her mother was a nightclub singer. They divorced when she was 3 months old. When she was six she made her first commercial, for Keds Tennis sneakers. She trained in acting at Dominica American Theatre of Performing Arts, but stopped her training at age 11 to become a "normal student." At age 12, she went to live with her aunt and uncle in the Dominican Republic. Being a good student at high school, she skipped a few grades, graduating at the Collegio Santo Domingo at the age of 14. At age 15, she moved to Los Angeles, California, but, unable to work at such a young age, convinced many employers that she was 18 and married. Her first jobs included being a computer operator for an ambulance service, and secretarial work for a large corporation in Culver City, adding up to 16 hours a day for five days a week.

She began acting again at age 17. Her first role was the part of Meredith in the 1978 Universal Pictures film Almost Summer, which also starred Tim Matheson and Didi Conn, on which she earned a SAG card. She also starred in Jaws 2 as the hysterical teenager Jackie Peters. At around age 18, she became married to Billy Gray, famous for his work on Father Knows Best. At 39, Gray was 21 years older, and the marriage didn't last long. She won the role of Pamela Prentiss on the soap opera Days of Our Lives which she played from 1983 to 1984. Her role was supposed to be for longer but had to be cut short when she became involved in the production of Angel.

Her best known role was in the 1984 cult classic sexploitation film Angel in which she played Molly Stewart/Angel, a high school honor student by day, and a prostitute by night. On a budget of $3 million, it was a box office success gathering $17,488,564. It spawned three unsuccessful sequels in which Wilkes had no involvement. She was actually 25 at the time she played the 15-year-old. To prepare for the role she spent time in halfway houses and rehabilitation centers in LA. "I actually walked on the streets with these girls and talked with them... and I also talked to the people with the group called Children of the Night, and to the Hollywood Police Department, too.

Le plus souvent avec

Linda Blair
Linda Blair
(1 films)
Klaus Kinski
Klaus Kinski
(1 films)
Rob Cohen
Rob Cohen
(1 films)
Mike Lane
Mike Lane
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Donna Wilkes (6 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Grotesque (1988)
, 1h29
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Horreur
Acteurs Linda Blair, Tab Hunter, Luana Patten, Donna Wilkes, Guy Stockwell, Charles Dierkop
Rôle Kathy
Note43% 2.1625452.1625452.1625452.1625452.162545
Une bande de punks à moitié déjantés débarquent dans la maison de vacances d'une famille paisible. Ils les massacrent tous à l'exception d'une des filles qui parvient à s'échapper. Ils prennent en chasse la demoiselle qui s'enfonce dans la neige mais se rendent vite compte qu'ils sont eux-mêmes poursuivis par une imposante créature...
Angel (1984)
, 1h34
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Action, Horreur, Policier, Romance
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Sexploitation, Homosexualité, Prostitution, Transsexuels et transgenres, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs Donna Wilkes, Cliff Gorman, Rory Calhoun, John Diehl, Susan Tyrrell, Dick Shawn
Rôle Angel/Molly
Note58% 2.9014852.9014852.9014852.9014852.901485
Charmante lycéenne obtenant de brillants résultats scolaires le jour, Molly Stewart devient la nuit une prostituée dans les bas-fonds d'Hollywwod. Dans ce cadre terrifiant, l'horreur va encore monter d'un cran quand un maniaque assassinera sauvagement la meilleure amie d'Angel. Celle-ci maintenant armée, va le traquer sans relâche...
Blood Song
Blood Song (1982)
, 1h34
Réalisé par Alan J. Levi
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Horreur
Acteurs Frankie Avalon, Richard Jaeckel, Donna Wilkes, Dane Clark, Antoinette Bower, Ben Cross
Rôle Marion
Note48% 2.4184652.4184652.4184652.4184652.418465
Un tueur en série s'échappe d'un asile et recommence à tuer. Il s'en prend finalement à une jeune handicapée qui a reçu une transfusion sanguine avec le sang du tueur.
Schizoïde (1980)
, 1h29
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Horreur, Slasher
Thèmes Tueur en série
Acteurs Richard Herd, Marianna Hill, Klaus Kinski, Christopher Lloyd, Craig Wasson, Donna Wilkes
Rôle Alison Fales
Note50% 2.507232.507232.507232.507232.50723
Les participantes d'un groupe de jeunes femmes en psychothérapie chez le docteur Fales sont victimes, depuis quelques temps, de la folie assassine d'un mystérieux tueur qui a l'habitude de pourfendre ses proies avec une paire de ciseaux. La dénommée Julie, qui travaille dans un journal et qui se sent fortement attirée vers l'étrange docteur, reçoit de plus en plus fréquemment d'anonymes lettres de menaces.
Les Dents de la mer, 2e partie, 1h56
Réalisé par Jeannot Szwarc
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Action, Aventure, Horreur
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, L'enfance, La mer, Transport, Requins, Film d'horreur avec des animaux, Mise en scène d'un poisson
Acteurs Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Joseph Mascolo, Jeffrey Kramer, Barry Coe
Rôle Jackie Peters
Note58% 2.9017752.9017752.9017752.9017752.901775
Quatre ans après les attaques du grand requin blanc (Carcharodon carcharias) à Amity Island, deux plongeurs photographiant l'épave de l'« Orca » sont attaqués et dévorés par un autre grand squale. Le cauchemar recommence...