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甦れ!ウルトラマン est un film avec Susumu Kurobe

甦れ!ウルトラマン (1996)

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  • Infos
  • Casting
Durée 23minutes
Themes Sport,    Arts martiaux,    Super-héros
Note23% 1.1912351.1912351.1912351.1912351.191235

Revive! Ultraman (甦れ!ウルトラマン, Yomigaere! Urutoraman) is a 1996 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film directed by Masahiro Tsuburaya and produced by Tsuburaya Productions to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Ultra-Series.


The film is composed of footage from the original Ultraman television series with additional newly filmed content, and it served as an "epilogue" as Ultraman returns to Earth for one final battle.


Bande annonce de 甦れ!ウルトラマン

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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