China Town is a 2011 Malayalam black comedy thriller film written and directed by the duo Rafi Mecartin. Starring an ensemble cast including Mohanlal, Jayaram, Dileep, Kavya Madhavan and Poonam Bajwa in the lead roles while Dipa Shah, Pradeep Rawat, Captain Raju, Suraj Venjaramoodu and Shankar play other pivotal roles, while Jagathi Sreekumar made a cameo.
The film released on 14 April 2011. Despite receiving mixed to negative critical reviews, it became hit at the box office.Synopsis
Four friends bought a casino and were celebrating the profit with their family when an underworld don, Gowda (Pradeep Rawat), who used to have a monopoly on the casinos in Goa, intrudes. Xavier (Mohanlal), one of the friends, held out against the don. Although he was killed, he managed to hold off the gang long enough for all of their wives to escape with the children. Wilson Gomus (Captain Raju) is the only of the friends to survive and he settled in Goa with his daughter, Emily.