Chettayees: Lovable Rascals is a 2012 Malayalam comedy film written by Sachy and directed by Shajoon Kariyal. The film is produced under the banner of Thakkaali Films, a production house launched by a group of friends – actors Biju Menon and Suresh Krishna, cinematographer P. Sukumar, writer Sachy, and director Shajoon Kariyal.
The film tells the story of friendship. The story is centered on an eventful New Year celebration of five friends and the sequence of events following it in the next few days. It stars Lal, Biju Menon, Suresh Krishna, P. Sukumar, Sunil Babu and Miya in pivotal roles.Synopsis
The whole story happens over two days, when five friends get together to celebrate New Year's Eve. The friends are John (Lal) a lawyer, Kichu (Biju Menon) a percussionist, Roopesh Krishna (Suresh Krishna) an actor, Bava (P. Sukumar) a chef and Babumon (Sunil Babu) a government employee. They are having a blast at John's apartment on the last day of the year. John, who is not in good terms with the apartment association goes to the new year party and ruins the party. The apartment owners who were looking for a way of taking vengeance, finds that a lady was staying at their apartment overnight and calls the police to charge them against immoral trafficking.