Alibaba Aur 41 Chor is an upcoming computer-animated film. In this film John Abraham, Priyanka Chopra, Atul Kulkarni, Ashutosh Rana and Raza Murad have given their voices. It is directed by Soumitra Ranade and is produced by Ronnie Screwvala. The film is the most highly anticipated animation film in India due to new twist in story. The film is delayed and has no news of its production lately.
^ "Priyanka -Once again in Zeenat Aman's shoe". Bolly Curry. Retrieved 2010-10-05.
^ "Alibaba Aur 41 Chor - Official Facebook Group". Retrieved 2010-09-23.Synopsis
Chinku is a young impish kid who lives with his greedy uncle. His life changes when he finds an enchanted talking book at a curio stall. It transports him to the magical land of Alibaba and 41 thieves. Chinku also makes a diabolic and dangerous enemy - Abu Hasan - the wicked and brutal leader of the pack. As good crosses paths with evil, characters from the real world (modern-day Mumbai) and the fantasy world of Alibaba cross over, leading to an explosion of fun, action of fantasy.