America Abbayi is a 1987 Telugu romantic thriller film directed by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao, the cross over cinema produced by D. Madhusudhana Rao, was based on the story of Telugu cultural importance in comparison to the western culture.Synopsis
The film revolves around two friends and classmates, Jyothsna (Radhika) and Sharada (Ashwini) and their relationship with Raja (master Shravan Shankar), the son of Jyotsna. However, Raja at the time of his birth, was adopted and raised by Sharada, who is a doctor now living in the United States, with her father (Satyanarayana) and sister. It is revealed that Jyotsna was a widower who loses her husband (Chandra Mohan) in a fatal accident, and Sharada was able to rescue brutally injured Jyotsna by donating her blood, at the time of the accident.