Ami Aadu, formerly titled Aadur Prem, is a 2011 Bengali film produced by New Theatres and directed by Somnath Gupta. In this film the protagonist, Aadu, a poor Bengali village girl from Murshidabad, writes a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush informing him about the hardships in her life caused by the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
This was Gupta's debut film as a director. Actress Deblina Chatterjee, who played the title role, made her cinematic acting debut with this film as well. The film received National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Bengali in 2010.Synopsis
It is the early 2000s; George W. Bush is the President of the United States and Saddam Hussein is the President of Iraq. Meanwhile, Aadu, a young poor Hindu girl living in a village in Murshidabad, India, falls in love with Suleman, a Muslim garment supplier who lives in the nearby village of Amodiya. Suleman dreams of learning English and becoming a fluent speaker, so he can go overseas and find a job. Though Aadu and Suelman follow different religions, their families allow them to marry, and the marriage goes off smoothly.