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Apasionados est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Juan José Jusid avec Nancy Dupláa

Apasionados (2002)

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Durée 1h40
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Comédie romantique,    Romance
Note48% 2.4232152.4232152.4232152.4232152.423215

Apasionados (English: Passionate People) is a 2002 Argentine romantic comedy film directed by Juan José Jusid, starring Pablo Echarri, Nancy Dupláa and Natalia Verbeke.


Uma (Natalia Verbeke) lives in the city of Buenos Aires with her friend Roberto, who happens to be homosexual. She works as a flight attendant, and her job lets her travel all around the world and live an independent life without commitments. But she a has a dream to fulfill: to be a mother. Since she can't find the perfect man, thanks to her job, she decides to look for a sperm donor in different parts of world, but what she is looking for her child's father can't be found anywhere in the sperm banks. After being desperate and tired of not being able to complete her goal, she decides to look for the perfect man that has all the requirements she wants in a father, to leave her pregnant.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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