August Club, also called August Club Since 1969, is a 2013 Malayalam romantic drama film directed by K. B. Venu. Rima Kallingal stars in the story about the nuances in marital life. The film's screenplay is written by Anantha Padmanabhan and is based on his novelette titled Venalinte Kalaneekkangal. August Club marked the debut of both K. B. Venu and Anantha Padmanabhan. The film was produced by V S Atheesh.Synopsis
August Club is a woman-centric film told from the point of view of Savithri (Rima Kallingal), a young upper middle class housewife. She is the unrivalled chess champion of a nearby local club. She shares a loving and sensual relationship with her husband Nandan (Murali Gopy), who is a busy business executive. A new member Shisir (Praveen Anidil) joins the club and defeats Savithri in the game of chess. Sisir, also a lover of music and poetry like Savitri, is drawn to her.