Banaz A Love Story is a 2012 documentary film directed and produced by Deeyah Khan. The film chronicles the life and death of Banaz Mahmod, a young British Kurdish woman killed in 2006 in South London on the orders of her family in a so-called honour killing. The film received its UK premiere at the Raindance Film Festival in London September 2012.Synopsis
Banaz was born in Iraq and moved to England with her family when she was 10 years old. She was married at age 17 with a man 10 years older than her in an arranged marriage. Within months the marriage turned violent. Banaz wanted a divorce and fell in love with someone of her own choosing, this behaviour was found to be shameful by her family leading to her death in January 2006. Banaz went to the police 5 times before her death. Detective Chief Inspector Caroline Goode of the Metropolitan Police led the investigation to recover the body of Banaz and her killers, securing the first ever extradition from Iraq to Britain.