Beyond Clueless is a 2014 British documentary film about teen movies, directed by Charlie Lyne, narrated by Fairuza Balk and with an original soundtrack by Summer Camp. The film features extracts from over 200 teen movies, with a particular emphasis on those released between 1995 and 2004
The film was funded on Kickstarter in January 2013 and edited in Lyne's bedroom. It premiered at SXSW 2014 and went on to play at film festivals including International Film Festival Rotterdam, CPH:DOX and Hot Docs.Synopsis
Une étude approfondie, à travers plus de 200 classiques modernes, qui se penche sur le phénomène du teen-movie. Le film se concentre sur la période allant de 1995 à 2004 et revisite des comédies telles que Clueless, Dangereuse Séduction ou encore Lolita Malgré moi.