Camille (1926) is a short film by Ralph Barton, the creation of which is described in Bruce Kellner's The Last Dandy, a biography of Barton.
This 33-minute silent film, an ostensible adaptation of La Dame aux Camélias (by Alexandre Dumas fils), was released on March 2, 2004 by Warner Home Video as a supplement to the DVD release of Charlie Chaplin's A Woman of Paris and A King in New York. Its relevance in this connexion is based in Chaplin's nutty on-screen involvement in the project. The homemade film is a mish mash of dos and don'ts i.e. a group of people presumably drinking real alcohol from liquor bottles(several of the participants look smashed) when consuming liquor in the United States was illegal and the appearance of a toilet in a bathroom, almost never seen in American silent films of the time save for The Crowd(1928).
Appearances are also made by Paul Robeson, Anita Loos, H. L. Mencken, Theodore Dreiser, Sinclair Lewis, Paul Claudel, and many other lights of the 1920s cultural scene of Paris and New York.Synopsis
Une histoire d’amour entre une courtisane atteinte de tuberculose pulmonaire, Marguerite Gautier, et un jeune bourgeois, Armand Duval.