Crackers is a Hindi stereoscopic 3D animation film directed by Anil Goyal, and written by Priyank Dubey. It is produced under the 'RTM Technologies Pvt Ltd' banner, and music cassettes were sold to FilmyBox Music Company. Its one of India's first stereo-scopic 3D animation film, after Haunted - 3D. The dubbing has been dubbed by Nikhil Dwivedi for the voice of "Gopu", Smilie Suri for the voice of "Kate", and Siraj Khan voicing over "Bolly". In early 2011, it was announced, that after the film's release, it also be dubbed in other languages such as English and Tamil, this has also been taken care of, as the film is a straight-to-DVD release, which on the original DVD will include the Original Dubbed' Versions.Synopsis
The Story of Crackers is about today's youth and how they can fight evil in life. The Director has tried to create a role model from the zealous youngsters of today, that can and should stand up to evil.