Dalam/Koottam is a 2013 Telugu-Tamil bilingual action thriller film by debutant director M Jeevan, a protégé of noted Indian director Ram Gopal Varma. The Telugu version Dalam was produced by M. Sumanth Kumar Reddy under the banner of Mammoth Media & Entertainment and released in the first week of 15 August 2013, while Koottam, the Tamil version, will release in 2014. The film starring *Kishore, Naveen Chandra, Nassar, Abhimanyu Singh, Piaa Bajpai tells the story of a group of former naxals and their struggles against the police and politicians when they start their lives afresh from Jail.Synopsis
The Scene begins in a Naxal infested area, where gun battle is ensuing between State policeman and Naxals. In the battle, the Naxals lose many men and they decide to forgo their pursuit of war and they decide to hand themselves to government. During their time in jail, they undergo many tortures but then one the Jail Seniors offers them to switch sides to the police and do hit jobs.