Do Diwane (Two Rogues) also known as Be Kharab Jaan, is a 1936 Hindi comedy film directed by Chimanlal Luhar based on K. M. Munshi's famous play Be Kharab Jaan. The film was produced by Sagar Movietone and had music composed by Pransukh Nayak with cinematography by Keki Mistry. The cast included Shobhana Samarth, Motilal, Yakub, Aruna Devi, Rama Devi, Kamalabai, Kayam Ali, Pande and Pesi Patel.
Based on the famous Gujarati language writer K.M. Munshi’s "acclaimed comedy", the film dealt with the traditional values of the older generation in conflict with the western values adopted by the youngsters.Synopsis
Motilal in the role of a doctor, wants to join the revolutionaries along with his girlfriend played by Shobhana Samarth. Both are opposed by their parents. The parents find it difficult to come to terms with what they consider as 'western influences' on their children in clothes and thinking. Several humorous situations arise in the process with everything finally ending to the satisfaction of both generations.