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Gruß und Kuß - Veronika est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Carl Boese avec Franciska Gaal

Gruß und Kuß - Veronika (1933)

Gruß und Kuß - Veronika
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Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note41% 2.085862.085862.085862.085862.08586

Greetings and Kisses, Veronika (German:Gruß und Kuß - Veronika) is a 1933 German comedy film directed by Carl Boese and starring Franciska Gaal, Paul Hörbiger and Otto Wallburg. The film's art direction was by Kurt Dürnhöfer and Max Heilbronner. The film's popularity made Gaal an international star. However the rise of the Nazi Party to power meant that the Jewish Gaal had to make her next films in Hungary and Austria.

Franz Waxman's song "Greetings and Kisses, Veronika" written for the film became a major hit and helped boost Waxman's career as a songwriter.


Franciska Gaal

Paul Hörbiger

(Paul Rainer)
Otto Wallburg

(Max Becker, ein Geschäftsfreund)
Hilde Hildebrand

(Klara Becker)
Margarete Kupfer

(Agathe Bolte, Veronikas Zimmerfrau)
Bande annonce de Gruß und Kuß - Veronika

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Source : Wikidata


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