Husband for Hire is a 2008 comedy television film that premiered on Oxygen Network on January 24, 2008. Husband for Hire was written and directed by Kris Isacsson, and it starred Nadine Velazquez, Tempestt Bledsoe, Mark Consuelos, Erik Estrada and Mario López.Synopsis
Lola (Nadine Velazquez) attempts to gain her father's trust fund (Her father got rich after winning over $90 Million the New Mexico state lottery years ago.) by hiring a Hispanic husband, Bo (Mark Consuelos), offering him $100,000 per year if he marries her. Bo accepts, and then departs from his Texas home and returns with Lola to her home in New Mexico. Lola finds out he is in fact Caucasian. Lola's best friend, Nina (Tempestt Bledsoe), and Bo's brother (Jayce Bartok) join the trip, as does Bo's girlfriend, Nikki (Erin Ross), and her clumsy friend, Dotty (Tish Rayburn-Miller), in secret.