El Americano: The Movie (simply known as El Americano) is an upcoming 2016 3D Mexican-American computer animated adventure family action comedy film produced by Animex, Olmos Productions, and Phil Roman Entertainment. It is directed by Ricardo Arnaiz and ex-Disney animator, Mike Kunkel. The film features an ensemble voice cast of mostly Hispanic American and Mexican actors led by Rico Rodriguez, Edward James Olmos, Cheech Marin, Kate del Castillo, Paul Rodriguez, Gabriel Iglesias, Erik Estrada, and Lisa Kudrow. The first major animated co-production between studios in Mexico and the United States, it is also the first international and CG production for Mexican animation studio, Animex. FilmSharks International announced that they have acquired the film's international rights. It will be distributed in the United States by Freestyle Releasing, and will be released in the Winter season of 2016.Synopsis
The film will follow Cuco (Rico Rodriguez), a carefree Mexican pre-teen parrot, whose quest is to venture to Hollywood and enlist the aid of his favorite hero in order to help his father, Gayo (Edward James Olmos) and protect his circus family from the threat of Martin Kingfisher (Cheech Marin) and his henchmen.